My seeds have been delivered.

20 Feb

My wife informed me after I got to work today(working nights), that I received a package. Said it was from willhite seed. My seeds showed up, now I’ve dabbled with gardens before and at our houses in town I’ve only had one that actually did good. I had one at my parents antique store outside of town that did awesome when I had it. But this year I’m hoping that my garden does good. I’m going to use an area next to our chicken coop that’s 54’x54′ so it should be of decent size. This old pen has tons of old horse manure in it that I plan on turning into the soil. I’m planning on growing some basics like, tomatoes, okra, green beans, pickling cucumbers, purple hull peas, speckled butter beans, squash, watermelons, Israel melons, pumpkins, and corn but it will be planted in a different area. I’m going to start moving my ford 8N tractor and implements out there hopefully this weekend, and start preparing the soil my next days off. Wish me luck for a successful harvest this year.

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